Dear BCCEC Members,
The International Labour Organization invites all employers and business owners to participate in a brief survey.
Their aim is to examine enterprise-level D&I practices and trends, the business case, and challenges and opportunities in creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace. The study will help fill the data and information gaps on D&I, and importantly enable ACT/EMP to better assist EBMOs globally and nationally to enhance their approaches, services and policy advocacy on diversity and inclusion. The study also responds to recent requests from the employers’ group for the ILO to take a more comprehensive approach to D&I work. More information about the study can be found here
The survey will be open until 16 August 2021, and can be accessed in multiple languages and on mobile devices via this link:
· English
· Spanish
If you have any technical queries about the survey, please feel free to contact Thank you in advance for your support.
