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Blog Post: BCCEC attends The Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) 2023

The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation was delighted to be an exhibitor at the Caribbean Invest Forum 2023, hosted by The Caribbean Export Development Agency held October 23rd – 25th, 2023 at the beautiful Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island!

The Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) 2023 is a transformative event that's set to shape the future of Caribbean trade and investment. Featuring key leaders, innovative presentations, and a vision for a bold new Caribbean. The Caribbean Investment Forum is designed to bring together the investment community to engage with business and create business, attract investment that can fast-track the Caribbean’s transition to a greener and smarter economy, and to raise the visibility of the Caribbean as an investment destination.

The CIF Closed with a Major Announcement - The Cooperative Republic of Guyana will host #CIF2024.

Visit the Caribbean Export Development Agency for more information >>

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