In 2017, The Energy and Environment Committee of the BCCEC created The Green Initiative. With the Government playing a role to create policy and regulation, we decided that the private sector should be the driver to reduce energy consumption and cost.
Our Mission Statement is to encourage all businesses and homeowners alike to be aware and contribute to the smart use of energy. We want to help reduce the consumption of energy and in turn cost, which will help consumers save financially as well as getting the country ready for the implementation of alternative energy. We also want our country to honour our commitment to The Paris Agreement.
IDB awarded the BCCEC a grant to produce 12 videos, featuring tips on energy savings, the first six were released early this year and the final six were released today. We also have had the pleasure of being a guest host on Connected with Lester Cox for the last two years to spread the message.
We would like to publicly thank IDB for their confidence in us as a Chamber and as a committee to push the necessity to reduce our fossil fuel use and in turn, reduce costs in this economic state.
Each video runs about one minute and I invite you to start with the first video "Introduction to the Green Initiative”, which explains the entire concept.
Debby Deal Director Energy and the Environment Committee
Introduction to the Green Initiative
What is the Green Initiative?
Solar Energy
Testimonial: D.C. Technology
Gizmos & Gadgets
Air Condition Unit
Ghost Thieves
Home and Business Maintenance
Testimonial: New Providence Community Church
Getting Landlords on Board