Dec 14, 2020

Event: Bahamas BEATS Program Virtual Presentation

You are cordially invited to attend a Virtual Presentation on The Bahamas BEATS Program:

Date: 16th December 2020
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Venue: Cisco WebEx
Presenter: Mia Weech-Lange, Ministry of Tourism

Are you interested in knowing more about The 'Bahamas BEATS' program which allows visitors to work or study from The Bahamas for a period of one (1) year? If so, take this opportunity to learn more about the program and how your business can get involved!

As a reminder, BEATS applicants will all generally benefit from the following:

  1. Short/Long term Accommodations

  2. Transportation Services

  3. Local Food Offerings

  4. Entertainment

  5. Cultural Experiences

Connection Details:

Join via Meeting Link:

Link: https://bahamasgovernment.webex.com/bahamasgovernment/j.php?MTID=m629a60c736dc82ac97b4ea78d32c224e

Meeting number: 179 322 2479
Password: QSf7j52gbmD


Join via Video System:

Dial 1793222479@bahamasgovernment.webex.com; or you can also dial and enter your meeting number.


Join by Phone:

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 179 322 2479

Bahamas BEATS website: https://www.bahamasbeats.com/
