May 8, 2023

Blog Post: The Pandemic Push to Digital

Written by BCCEC Director and Chairperson of the Digital Transformation Committee - Royann Deann, published May 8th, 2023

Digital solutions proved to be a saving grace for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. From celebrating life's moments via Zoom, shifting to online classrooms, to working from home every day, the pandemic has changed purchasing behavior and how we interact with our communities. As we learned in school, success lies in the survival of the fittest. Businesses that remain innovative, nimble, and aware of how to serve their audience are the entities that will survive.

We’ve seen how digital strategies have dominated the marketing industry and the Pandemic Push has thrust digital transformation into the spotlight for businesses in all industries. E-commerce platforms have recently seen an increase in demand. In addition to product and service sales, there are upsells like Facebook and Instagram offering gift cards, promotional stickers, and most recently shops, which enables online businesses to create a convenient and fun shopping experience on Facebook.

It’s pretty exciting to see how companies are incorporating digital in new ways to not only drive online sales but also to keep consumers engaged even at the depths of the internet. One of my favourite examples is from West Elm. This contemporary home goods store found its sweet spot with customers by creating stylish, video conferencing backgrounds, virtual design consultations, and a new interactive Room Planner.

Three Ways To Engage Customers on Digital Platforms

Be a resource to your consumer

Use your newsletter or blog to elevate your consumers' brand experience at home. Give tips on new ways to use your product or service, complimentary information on health and wellness, and any additional tips that create value for your clients and help them to better engage with your product or service.

Leverage Your Partners

Behind the scenes content will always be one of the best ways to engage audiences with your brand. Invite industry partners, executives, and brand ambassadors to join zoom calls, Instagram Live sessions, or as a series behind a paywall.

Amplify Existing Customers

User-generated content not only makes a customer feel special but can also show brand authenticity. For consumer goods companies, now more than ever it's important to highlight real people and their experiences with your brand. While peer-to-peer trust is at an all-time high, “Pinterest-curated” marketing strategies have been popular after the pandemic. For other types of companies, customizing experiences and communication can be another way to make clients feel special.

Ready for the Next Normal

There were a lot of debates about how life would change after the pandemic. I think it’s safe to say that consumers are grateful for the return to ‘normal’ in their social activities while continuing to seek the convenience of their new online engagement experiences with their brands. In the end, the Pandemic Push to digital transformation is more than a fad, it is way businesses will need to communicate going forward.

Until next time,


Follow Royann Dean on Linkedin.
